Sunday, July 18, 2010

So much fun!

You know, i am having SO much fun planning this. For years i've fantasized about picking just a few examples of each of my most favourite collections & things (as well as the regular things like clothing, etc), to load into a car and take off & move to a new world. Sometimes the fantasy is just picking tiny representations of my favourite things (little miniature versions), just big enough to fit into a little ziplock bag in my backpack but not take up too much precious room, just in case i become homeless (for some unknown reason... one never knows!). I 'need' my 'things'. The things that represent me... the things that i love. They make me happy just to look at them!

Samples of my toy robots & ray guns... my ‘Toy Story’ alien... a car-dash hula dancer... tiki mugs... my 'Frida' art collection... Maneki Neko (the Asian 'good luck' cat)... mini dolls (Liddle Kiddles, etc)... one of my sock monkeys... devil duck... mermaids... my fav art (other artists and my own)... art reference books... just to name a few. Oh! And mustn't forget all my hats!

And now i'm picking those things for me to take to Yellowknife! A very real possibility, not just a fantasy! It's incredibly invigorating! A fun way to pass the time! They're going to take up valuable cargo space in the car, but as far as i'm concerned, they are more necessary than anything else, because i can always 'shop at the dump' or the Sally Anne for anything else i need! A year is a long time, let alone the possibility of two years, to be without my 'treasures'!

Did i mention this has been fun? :-)

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